quarta-feira, 28 de julho de 2010

Kate em "My Safe Place"!

Eu tinha anunciado há alguns meses que a Kate estaria fazendo parte da campanha publicitária "My Safe Place", criada por sua amiga Emma Thompson para ajudar as mulheres agredidas. Bem, a campanha esta sendo um sucesso, e Kate esta mais bonita e natural do que nunca, sob as lentes do talentoso Nick Haddow! Outras atrizes também fazem parte da campanha, incluindo Meryl Streep, Vanessa Paradis, Keira Knightley, Uma Thurman, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Rachel Weisz, Sharon Stone, Helen Mirren, Charlotte Rampling, Demi Moore, entre outras!

Postado por: Diego Simion



  • It has been bought to our attention that you have taken private images off our charity project website and published them on your site.

    These images are copyright Nick Haddow/Helen Bamber Foundation and your words could easily damage the reputation of the people involved with the project, the charity itself and more importantly those it aims to help as a result.

    If these images and references to them are not taken down from your site on receipt of this email then the foundations lawyers will be notified.

    Thank you.

    By Blogger Tim Parkinson, at 12:49 PM  

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